副教授 博士学位
- Han ZB,·He HJ,·Zhang FW,·Huang ZJ,·Liu ZG,·Jiang HJ,·Wu Q. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of Mirg, an imprinted non-coding gene, during mouse embryogenesis. J Mol Histol.2011. (accepted)
- Lin YL, Han ZB, Xiong FY, Tian LY, Wu XJ, Xue SW, Zhou YR, Deng JX, Chen HX. Malignant transformation of 293 cells induced by ectopic expression of human Nanog. Mol Cell Biochem. 2011 Jan 19.
- Tian L, Wu X, Lin Y, Liu Z, Xiong F,Han Z, Zhou Y, Zeng Q, Wang Y, Deng J, Chen H. Characterization and potential function of a novel pre-implantation embryo-specific RING finger protein: TRIML1. Mol Reprod Dev. 2009 Jul;76(7):656-64.
- Gao M, Liu Q, Zhang F, Han Z, Gu T, Tian W, Chen Y, Wu Q. Conserved expression of the PRELI domain containing 2 gene (Prelid2) during mid-later-gestation mouse embryogenesis. J Mol Histol. 2009 Jun;40(3):227-33.
- Han ZB, Lan GC, Wu YG, Han D, Feng WG, Wang JZ, Tan JH. Interactive effects of granulosa cell apoptosis, follicle size, cumulus–oocyte complex morphology, and cumulus expansion on the developmental competence of goat oocytes: a study using the well-in-drop culture system. Reproduction. 2006 Nov;132(5):749-758.
- Han ZB, Chen HX, Deng JX. Multipotential differentiation and potential applications of adipose-derived stem cells. Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao. 2007 Mar;23(2):195-200.
- 韩正滨,林艳丽,熊福银,田利源,周艳荣,邓继先,陈红星. 人干细胞转录因子Nanog和BTB/POZ蛋白NAC1的相互作用. 生物技术通讯. 2008(4):503-505.
- 韩正滨,谭景和. 卵泡存活因子对不同发育阶段卵泡细胞凋亡的调控.解剖学杂志. 2004. 27(3):320-324.
- Feng WG, Sui HS, Han ZB, Chang ZL, Zhou P, Liu DJ, Bao S, Tan JH.Effects of follicular atresia and size on the developmental competence of bovine oocytes: A study using the well-in-drop culture system. Theriogenology. 2007 May;67(8):1339-1350.
- Yu Y, Li W, Han Z, Luo M, Chang Z, Tan J. The effect of follicle-stimulating hormone on follicular development, granulosa cell apoptosis and steroidogenesis and its mediation by insulin-like growth factor-I in the goat ovary. Theriogenology. 2003. Dec; 60(9):1691-1704.
- Yu YS, Sui HS, Han ZB, Li W, Luo MJ, Tan JH. Apoptosis in granulosa cells during follicular atresia: relationship with steroids and insulin-like growth factors. Cell Research. 2004. 14(4): 341-346.
- Y.S Yu, M.J. Luo, Z.B. Han, W.Li, H.S. Sui, J.H. Tan. Serum and follicular fluid steroid levels as related to follicular development and granulosa cell apoptosis during the estrous cycle of goats. Small Ruminant Research. 2005. 57: 57-65.
- Lan GC, Han D, Wu YG, Han ZB, Ma SF, Liu XY, Chang CL, Tan JH. Effects of duration, concentration, and timing of ionomycin and 6-Dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) treatment on activation of goat oocytes. Mol Reprod Dev. 2005. 71:380–388.
- Ma SF, Liu XY, Miao DQ, Han ZB, Zhang X, Miao YL, Yanagimachi R, Tan JH. Parthenogenetic activation of mouse oocytes by strontium chloride: a search for the best conditions. Theriogenology. 2005; 64(5):1142-1157.
- Han D, Lan GC, Wu YG, Han ZB, Wang HL, Tan JH. Factors affecting the efficiency and reversibility of roscovitine (ROS) block on the meiotic resumption of goat oocytes. Mol Reprod Dev. 2006; 73: 238-246.
- Lan GC, Chang ZL, Luo MJ, Jiang YL, Han D, Wu YG, Han ZB, Ma SF, Tan JH. Production of cloned goats by nuclear transfer of cumulus cells and long-term cultured fetal fibroblast cells into abattoir-derived oocytes. Mol Reprod Dev. 2006 Jul; 73(7):834-40.
- Tan XW, Ma SF, Yu JN, Zhang X, Lan GC, Liu XY, Han ZB, Tan JH. Effects of species and cellular activity of oviductal epithelial cells on their dialogue with co-cultured mouse embryos. Cell Tissue Res. 2007 Jan;327(1):55-66.